Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Nomadic Lifestyle

Something occurred to me yesterday while I was talking with my accountant.  He was asking about my retirement plans, what my goals are and such.  He's can be a little gloomy about those kind of things and is quick to point out anything he thinks is unrealistic.

I told him my plans are very modest.  I'm just going to buy or build a trailer or motor-home and live very small.  He actually thought it was a very good idea for me and mentioned how many retired people live in RVs in Florida.  Florida isn't a place I'd considered because of the threat of hurricanes.  But, then I realized how easy it would be to just bug out in that event.  I already have everything I own inside my RV.  So, I'd just have to unplug and drive to safety.

You might think this should have been obvious to me.  But, I simply wasn't thinking about mobility.  I was stuck in the idea of my home being a stationary dwelling.  It would be so easy to spend Summers up North where it's cooler and Winters in the South.  A truly nomadic lifestyle.

I find this idea appealing because, as a truck driver, I'm constantly driving past things I want to stop and see. The Delta Blues Museum in Mississippi, the Grand Canyon and so forth.  I can't stop for anything like this because I'm working and because it's not easy to find parking for an 18 wheeler.

It would also provide me with opportunities to discover things to blog about that people may actually be interested in reading.

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