Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Dropping Out

So, I’m starting to get pretty pumped about buying some kind of vehicle and converting it into my living space.  Although, I’m still not sure about the type of vehicle will best suit my needs, I’m starting to narrow it down.

I’ve mostly given up on a box truck or step van.  I just don’t need that much space.  But, I think a normal van would be too small.  An extended van might do the trick.  Something similar to a 15 passenger limo, van might do the trick.  But I wouldn’t be able to stand up inside unless the roof was raised.

I’m starting to lean towards a mini bus, but most of them have too many windows.  All those windows are bad for insulation, not to mention privacy.  And the mileage would be pretty poor as well.  However, mileage isn’t a big concern because I’d be living in it full time.  The low bills would make up for poor mileage.

Another thing to think about is where to live?  I’d want to avoid any extreme weather.  So, someplace that never gets too hot or too cold.  This makes Arizona very attractive.  I could spend winters in the desert and drive up into the mountains for summers.  There’s also lots a free camping in both places.

I just found out about a place in Southern California called “Slab City.”  It was once some kind of military thing, but they pulled out and left only the cement slabs for the buildings.  Some people have lived there for years, while others stay for just a few days.  Some places are basically junk yard, trash heaps while others are very well kept with gardens and such.  But, the best part is, it costs NOTHING to stay there for as long as you like.

Friday, March 15, 2013


What does it mean to be happy?  What does it take to lead a happy life?  Can happiness be bought?  Does it come in box or bottle?

Living in a truck has caused me to really think about happiness and what I need to achieve it.  Ten years ago I don't think I could have been happy living the life I lead today.  I was confused.  I thought happiness was nothing more than a serious of pleasurable experiences.  Let me assure you, pleasurable experiences don't come around often when you park in a different city every night and don't have access to all the usually things people seek out for pleasure.  I can't go to the movies or hang out with my friends or go shopping.  I can't even watch anything interesting on TV.

I do have internet access and that allows me to keep up with my friends through facebook.  I can post on forums and that gives me a certain amount of pleasure.  I have access to all sorts of social media.  I also have access to my favorite radio stations from back home and a few pod casts I enjoy using the tune in ap on my android phone.

But, it's unusual that I have an opportunity to laugh.  I have very little face time with other humans.  Strangely, this really doesn't bother me.  I do have a LOT of time to think.  Time to plan, time to learn, time to do nothing at all.

I've never been a person that sought out happiness through things.  I've never hoped that buying the latest gadget would bring me happiness.  I'm a simple man with simple needs.  As long as I have enough food and can keep warm, I really don't need much else.

That, of course, doesn't mean I don't want stuff.  It just means I know buying stuff isn't the road to happiness.

Happiness doesn't come from having money either.  I've had money and I can tell you, it better to have it than to wonder how you'll pay the rent.  But, you really only need so much and the rest is just play money.  Money to spend in the pursuit of pleasure.  But, pleasure is fleeting.  It never lasts long.

Happiness, on the other hand, is a state of being.  It comes from within and has very little to do with your surroundings.  But, how do I get there?  How am I to be happy?  What's missing?  What drives happiness away?

Fear.  You cannot be happy if you're fearing for your life or future.  Stress.  You cannot be happy if you're stressing over things beyond your control.  Food, water, air, shelter etc.

I think the true key to happiness is low expectations.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Nomadic Lifestyle

Something occurred to me yesterday while I was talking with my accountant.  He was asking about my retirement plans, what my goals are and such.  He's can be a little gloomy about those kind of things and is quick to point out anything he thinks is unrealistic.

I told him my plans are very modest.  I'm just going to buy or build a trailer or motor-home and live very small.  He actually thought it was a very good idea for me and mentioned how many retired people live in RVs in Florida.  Florida isn't a place I'd considered because of the threat of hurricanes.  But, then I realized how easy it would be to just bug out in that event.  I already have everything I own inside my RV.  So, I'd just have to unplug and drive to safety.

You might think this should have been obvious to me.  But, I simply wasn't thinking about mobility.  I was stuck in the idea of my home being a stationary dwelling.  It would be so easy to spend Summers up North where it's cooler and Winters in the South.  A truly nomadic lifestyle.

I find this idea appealing because, as a truck driver, I'm constantly driving past things I want to stop and see. The Delta Blues Museum in Mississippi, the Grand Canyon and so forth.  I can't stop for anything like this because I'm working and because it's not easy to find parking for an 18 wheeler.

It would also provide me with opportunities to discover things to blog about that people may actually be interested in reading.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Giving Everything Away

During he last month on the road, I decided I was going to give away almost everything I still own.  I don't use most of it, so I don't see any good reason for keeping it.  Also it's costing money to have it stored.  Money that could be put to better use.

They say the things you own end up owning you.  I understand that.  You have to maintain them and store them and carry them around with you.  I just don't think it's worth it anymore.  It's just stuff.  Stuff that's always in my way.  Stuff that just sits there waiting for me to do something with it.  Stuff that I don't need and no longer want.

How far will it go?

I don't know yet.  I've already gotten rid of a lot of stuff.  I think I still have a dinner table with two benches and one comfortable chair.  But, I want to cut out everything extemporaneous.  If I don't have a need for, it's going to someone else or getting donated to Good Will.

What will I keep?

That's what I'm thinking about right now.  I'm keeping my android phone and laptop computer.  I'm keep a couple pairs of shoes.  Several T-shirts, pants, socks a couple of shirts for cooler weather and a water proof coat.  I'm keeping all my grooming supplies.  I'm keeping my DVD collection, but that's only until I can find a way of storing them digitally that works for me.  And I have a little toaster oven I'll be hanging onto.  I'm keeping one guitar.  I just can't give them all up.

 I'm keeping my car of course.  At least until it's paid off then I may let it go too.  That would save me $100.00 a month I pay for insurance.

I think, for now, that's about all I need.  I have a bed in my truck and when I'm home, I get a hotel room. Pretty ruthless ah?  Throwing out so much stuff and trying to live as simply as possible.  Why?

That's a very good question.  The reason is because all my life I've danced.  I've had a great time playing and laughing and enjoying myself.  But, the time has come to pay the band.  I haven't saved anything for retirement and I'm getting older pretty fast these days.  If I want to be able to retire at all, I'll have to plan very carefully and I'll have to live very modestly.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Have You Ever Been Flat Broke?

I'm talking on the verge of being homeless.  No money now and none coming in anytime soon. Collection people calling you on the phone.  Have you ever been in that position?

Well, I have.  A couple of years ago I decided that I had to simply cut my loses and start all over.  So, I stopped trying to make any bill payments except the things I needed like food, water rent and electricity.

I had owned a small business and had to take a credit hit over some of those bills like my yellow pages ad.  I also had to break my cellular phone contract.  I never finished high school, so any kind of job I was able to get didn't pay much better than minimum wage.  And that simply isn't enough to make a living on anymore.

Anyway, I was able to enjoy one thing.  I became very fond of debt collectors calling me.  Most people dread this kind of thing, but I discovered I could have a lot of fun by simply telling them the truth.  I was not even going to try to pay them the money I owed.  I was polite (at least until they became rude), but firm.  I told them flat out that I was NEVER going to pay that bill.  When they asked why, I said it didn't matter because I simply wasn't going to pay.

"Well," they'd say, " if you won't pay, we're going to sue you."  I told them that was fine by me.  They could spend all the money they wanted to attempting to collect, but no matter what they did, I still wasn't paying.

"You'll go to prison" they'd threaten.  I told them that was a lie.  There are no prisons for debtors anymore.

Then they started getting rude.  They called me names like loser and crook and worse.  So, I told him to slow down.  I wanted him to know that I understood how things were so difficult for him.  I mean, who grows up thinking "I want to be a bill collector."  I told him he was a man so hard up that he'd taken a job being mean to people that are just as hard up as himself and that if HE wanted to talk, I'd be there for him.  I think I had him on the verge of tears.

Another man was so rude that I finally told him if he wanted that money he could come to Texas and "suck it out of my cock."

The last one that called was a woman.  She was very nice, but I told her the same things, that I was never going to pay the debt.  She ask if I was a "professional debtor."  I agreed that I was and told her I felt her I felt very badly about it.  I told her I really needed to be punished.  She asked what kind of punishment and I said "maybe you can come over and spank me."  This actually made her laugh.

The last one to call I simply told that I would neither confirm or deny that I was indeed the person to which they wanted to speak.  She had no way of dealing with this.  There was nothing she could do if I wouldn't say I was the person she wanted to speak to.

I'm sure all my conversations with debt collectors were recorded and are now used for training purposes.  I smile when I think about that.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Change in Direction

Since my other blog was not accepted by Google Ads, I've deleted it and will shift my focus back to this blog.  I don't get much traffic here and I'm okay with that because this blog is sort of a journal for me.  Where I'm at, where I'm going, where I want to be and how I'm planning on getting there.

A couple of weeks ago I had my 51st birthday.  This seems like a good time to asses what I did with the first two thirds of my life and some of my mistakes.  There have been plenty.  I haven't planned for my future very well and as a result I can't slow down any yet.  And all my upcoming plans will have to be modest.  But, I'm feeling good about that.  I've never wanted to live in a big house in the country.  I like urban living.  I prefer smaller living spaces and have little desire for most tangible things.

Long term, I want to buy or build a small trailer to eventually move into.  I think this is the least expensive way for me to retire.  I'm putting a lot of thought into exactly what I'll need to be comfortable and happy living in it and ridding myself of anything extemporaneous.  The down side to this is I'll need a fuel guzzling vehicle to pull it.  But, I think I can live with that as long as I find a good location to live.  I'll need someplace close to a place to buy the things I need as well as some social gathering places.

I'll need all the standard things a person needs in their home, a proper bathroom with shower, sink and toilet.  I'll need a small oven and refrigerator.  I think a two burner stove will be plenty for me.  I'll also need dishes, cups, glasses, utensils and a place to store them.  I simply won't live without a dishwasher.  I'm lazy that way.  I have no use for a microwave though.

Obviously, I'll need a bed.  I'll need a comfy chair and something like a couch for guests.  I think a can have table that will also function as a desk and entertainment center where I'll have my laptop computer.  I think I can get by with about seven pairs of pants, maybe ten T-shirts, ten pairs of socks and two or three pairs of shoes.  One good, heavy coat for winter, a couple of dress shirts and just one blazer and a tie for more formal occasions.  So, I'll need a small closet.  I'm thinking I could build the couch with space inside it to store extra bedding, maybe more.

I'll also need enough room to sit and play my guitar as well as a place out of the way to keep it.  I'm going to try to limit myself to just one guitar, my jumbo acoustic/electric.

Other than cleaning supplies, a few tools, food and places to stow them away, I think that's all. I can watch movies and TV on my laptop as well as listen to radio over the web, so there's no need for a TV or radio.  But, I think a good sound system might be nice to have.

What do you guys think?  Am I forgetting anything?  Let me know.