Thursday, September 20, 2012

Women Are Brats

Women like to say; "the only difference between a man and a boy is the size of his toys."  And I suppose that's true to a certain extent.  But, women have their immature side as well.

What follows comes from my own experience in relationships.  It's not meant to be insulting or misogynistic.  It's simply what I've learned about living with women.  If anyone disagrees, feel free to give your views in the comment section.

Women are selfish brats.  Like children, they will push a man's limits just to see what they can get away with.  If a man does allow her to get away with something, she will lose respect for him.  And she will grow to despise him for what she perceives as weakness.

How do we men handle this?  Usually we give her what she wants.  We don't care as long as she'll shut up.  But, this is exactly the wrong thing to do.  This will lead us down the path of becoming her "bitch."

Why do we do it?  Because we're told that relationships take work and compromise.  Well, I'm here to tell you, for the most part, that's BULLOCKS! 

It's been my experience that there is no compromise in relationships (but, there is work).  One person gives in to what the other demands.  And once you give in the first time she'll have more demands for you to give in to and it doesn't end until you're a pussy whipped shadow of the man she was once attracted to.

When the stand up comic, Sam Kinison said "I don't condone wife beating, BUT I UNDERSTAND IT!" this is what he was talking about.  Women will drive men crazy with their nagging and complaining.  We may even break one day and do something we regret if we don't find a way of dealing with her.

So, what's the answer?  How do we continue our relationship and still keep our manhood? 

By being firm.  When we say no, and we must mean no.  We cannot bend or break under her pressure.  We must put a foot down and say "enough."   No matter how much she cries or screams or throws tantrums.  We must see it as the selfish, childish, bratty behavior it really is and treat her as we would a selfish, bratty child.  By ignoring her.

We cannot reward he bad behavior by giving her attention.  We tell her she's acting like a brat and we leave her to it.

She'll try to bait us into arguing, but we cannot get into it with her.  We must remain calm and in control.  If we have to get in the car drive away for an hour, so be it.  Tell her, "you are out of control and I'm leaving until you calm down."  Then go and have a coffee.  If she blows up your cell phone, turn it off.  Call her in an hour and see if she's better. 

This is the way to earn her respect and her love.

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