Tuesday, July 10, 2012

There's the Door

I've noticed a pattern with relationships in my life.  I'll get into a disagreement with my woman and to keep the peace I'll give in to her.  This is the first step down a road leading to the wrong place.

Once she learns she can manipulate me with emotional outbursts she'll start using this tool more and more.  Foolishly, I go along.  I'm thinking, "whatever you want, just shut up!"  After some time she's doing whatever she wants without a thought about my wants and needs.  She now sees me as a useless lump taking up space in her life.  She doesn't care about me and worse, she has no respect for me.  And she's right, I've lost my balls.  I handed them to her on a silver platter saying "here you go honey, I don't need these anymore."

Well gentleman, I've found the answer.  I now understand how to get my power back and earn the respect I should have never lost.  It's just three simple words.

There's the door.

It's so easy!  Just tell her if she's really that unhappy she's free to go because you're sick of hearing her nag and complain.  Just pack her shit and hit the bricks.  I'm sure we'll both do just fine on our own.

But, You know what?  She won't leave!  You can bet your last dollar on it.  She ain't going anyplace.

This is a total power flip.  Now she's playing YOUR game, dancing to YOUR tune.

Use this power wisely.

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