What does it mean to be masculine in 21st century America? With the rise of feminism and the gay movement it seems a lot of people want to redefine what it means to be men and their roll in the home.
On the one hand, women say they want an equal partnership, but on the other they say they want a man to sit at the head of their tables. A man they can respect. I don't know about you, but I'm confused.
I think this is the root of many relationship troubles. Women want a man to lead as long as he's leading where she wants to go. But, if he's going where she wants, he isn't really leading is he?
If a woman wants her man to lead, she must submit to his leadership. Submit is a word many women don't seem to like the taste of. Why should she submit to him?
Because she wants him to lead.
What if she doesn't like where he's taking them?
Therein lies the trouble. Now the arguments start. She no longer wants him to lead. She no longer trusts his vision. Now she wants to lead. But, in doing so she loses respect for him and he can no longer sit at the head of her table.
Someone must take the lead. One partner must be dominant while the other submits. There is simply no other way.
We men just want our women to be happy. If you want to follow us, we will lead you. If you want to take the lead, that's okay too. We'll take the backseat. We really don't care. But, women don't seem to respect a man that submits to them. Women seem to want to "marry up." Where does that leave men?
It beats the hell out of me.
For me the solution is to keep things separated. This is my life and I'll take of it. You can do what you want with your life. You don't tell me how to run my life and I won't tell you how to run your's.
Hopefully, we can find a place to meet in between our lives.
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