I've been neglecting this blog for quite some time and I don't feel bad about that because no one reads it anyway. But, today I'm stuck in a motel room, in Laredo, Texas while my truck is in the shop for repairs. So, I thought I'd spend a little time attempting to write something I thought was interesting enough to post.
This has proven more difficult than I thought it would. This is because I lead such a dull life. I drive a truck all day and sleep in that same truck at night. I only get out for a few minutes to give someone some papers, get some papers from someone or take a shower. I cannot tell you how uneventful my days are. The funny thing is, I actually like it this way. I am wallowing in this abyss of nothingness. I find it strangely comforting, the silence and confined space. I've found a way to be happy in my nutshell and I don't like leaving it. When I do leave it for a few days, I just want to be still and quiet. I want to be mostly left alone and not bothered with the troubles of the world.
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy spending time with my friends and family. But, I don't really like having to go out to crowded places to stand in line to hang out in a loud place and eat food that I could cook better for myself at home. Yes, I've become boring. Dull even. But, I'm okay with that. At least for now.