I've never been the type of person that buys things simply to have things. The vast majority of things I've bought served some purpose in my life be it survival or to increase my overall happiness/sanity level. Yes, there have been some exceptions. But, as a rule, I'd buy what I needed and use it until it's worn out. I've never felt a need to have the latest, greatest gadgets unless it would actually simplify my life and reduce stress.
But it's hard. Everywhere you go there are people trying to sell you crap you don't need. I have to stop and ask myself "will this actually fulfill some need and make my life better or am I buying it simply because I'm bored? If I buy this thing, how often will I use it?"
Obviously there are things I need that I may never use. I have a first aid kit, flashlight and an umbrella. All things I seldom need, but when I do need one of them, having it does make my life easier.
I also try to buy things that serve more than one purpose. My phone is a perfect example of this. Phones have become so much more than when I was growing up. It's become my alarm clock, notepad, radio, camera, calendar, guitar tuner, map and internet connection. I use it to read emails, get weather reports, follow the news as well as keep in touch with family and friends via calls, texts and social networking. I don't think I'd be lost without it, but it does make my life a good deal easier.
Recently I almost convinced myself that I needed a new one. At first I thought the blue tooth had stopped functioning and if that had been the case I would have had to replace it because my occupation is required by law to use a hands free device while driving. But, it turns out that I need a new ear piece, not a phone. It didn't matter. I found myself looking for ways to justify buying a new phone. The battery cover latch is broken and the cover doesn't stay on of it's accord anymore and the battery sometimes falls out. So, I started looking at new phones.
I came pretty close to plopping down a couple of hundred bucks for a phone that would actually not work as well for me as my current phone does. I was racking my brain about how I'd have to shift my finances around to cover paying for it when I stopped myself.
My problem could be temporarily fixed with a piece of tape and permanently with a cover. What was I doing? I wanted to kick myself. We all have material needs. But, a new smart phone simply doesn't meet my criteria if the only reason I'm buying it is so I'll have a new gadget.
The truth is I probably do need a second phone as a back up in case this one does break in some repairable way. But, there is just no good reason it has to be the newest thing Android has to offer.
Consumerism is an addiction and I'm am hooked. I have to be vigilant and watch myself every day, all the time the same way a drug addict does or I'll just keep buying crap I don't need and don't really want.